Administrative offices 27
Administration offices in Vladivostok and Primorskiy region.
Upravlenie raboty komissiy po delam nesovershennoletnikh
Mon-Thu: 09:00-18:00; Fri: 09:00-16:45; closed: 13:00-13:45; Sat, Sun - closed -
Inspektsiya po okhrane obektov kulturnogo naslediya Primorskogo kraya
Mon-Thu, 09:00-18:00; Fri, 09:00-17:00; closed at 13:00-14:00; closed in Sat, SunPublic administration in the sphere of conservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage sites (monuments of history and culture) of federal and regional significance. -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunExercise of authority to address issues of local significance in the city of Vladivostok, the development and organization of the implementation of concepts, plans and programs for the development of the city, drafting the budget, ensuring its implementation and other authorities in accordance with the Charter, the Federal Law and the laws of the PC. -
Departament po Tarifam Primorskogo kraya
Mon-Thu, 09:00-18:00; Fri, 09:00-17:00; Closed 13:00-14:00; closed in Sat, Sun- 45a bld., Aleutskaya St.
- +7 423 240-00-49 +7 423 240-00-49 — отдел регулирования тарифов на тепловую энергию
- +7 423 240-39-36 +7 423 240-39-36 — по вопросам, связанным с тарифами на электроэнергию
- More 3 phones
- +7 423 240-00-95 +7 423 240-00-95
- +7 423 240-01-16 +7 423 240-01-16 — по вопросам, связанным с тарифами на электроэнергию
- +7 423 240-61-35 +7 423 240-61-35 — отдел контроля цен и тарифов
State regulation of tariffs (prices) for electric and heat energy, control over the application of prices (tariffs) in the sphere of heat supply. -
Upravlenie po rabote s mun. uchrezhdeniyami obrazovaniya
Mon-Thu: 09:00-18:00; Fri: 09:00-17:00; Sat, Sun - closed -
Upravlenie Munitsipalnogo Imuschestva
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun -
Khozyaystvennoe Upravlenie Administratsii Primorskogo kraya
Mon-Thu, 09:00-18:00; Fri, 09:00-17:00; closed in Sat, SunEconomic Administration of Primorsky Territory Administration -
Administratsiya Primorskogo kraya
Mon-Thu, 09:00-18:00; Fri, 09:00-17:00; closed in Sat, Sun; closed at 13:00-14:00Administration of Primorsky Territory -
Obschestvennaya priemnaya glavy
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun; closed at 13:00-14:00 -
Otdel professionalnogo obrazovaniya i nauki
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun- 45a bld., Aleutskaya St. More 5 addresses
- +7 423 243-20-17 +7 423 243-20-17 — начальник отдела
- +7 423 243-20-15 +7 423 243-20-15 — ведущий консультант
Coordination of the activities of institutions of higher and additional professional education. -
Otdel monitoringa
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun- 45a bld., Aleutskaya St.
- +7 423 240-09-54 +7 423 240-09-54 — Ведущий специалист 1 разряда
- +7 423 240-28-04 +7 423 240-28-04 — Специалист-эксперт
- More 2 phones
- +7 423 240-62-83 +7 423 240-62-83 — Консультант
- +7 423 240-01-55 +7 423 240-01-55 — Начальник отдела
Information support within the competence of educational institutions of Primorye Territory. -
Otdel planirovaniya i ekonomicheskogo razvitiya obrazovaniya Primorskogo kraya
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun- 45a bld., Aleutskaya St.
- +7 423 240-20-99 +7 423 240-20-99 — Ведущий консультант
- +7 423 240-20-51 +7 423 240-20-51 — Начальник отдела
Department of Planning and Economic Development of Primorsky Krai Education. -
Primorskaya kraevaya mezhvedomstvennaya komissiya po delam nesovershennoletnikh i zaschite ikh prav
Mon-Thu, 09:00-18:00; Fri, 09:00-17:00; closed at 13:00-14:00; closed in Sat, SunAdministration of Primorsky Territory. Constantly acting coordinating body of the system of prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency. Identification and registration of minors in socially dangerous situations. Ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors. -
Mon-Thu, 08:30-16:30; Fri, 08:30-15:30; closed at 13:00-14:00; closed in Sat, Sun -
Upravlenie po Turistsko-Rekreatsionnoy osoboy ekonomicheskoy i igornoy zon Primorskogo kraya
Everyday, 09:00-18:00; everyday, no lunch break -
Komitet po Mestnomu Samoupravleniyu
Mon-Thu, 09:00-18:00; Fri, 09:00-16:45; closed in Sat, SunCommittee for Local Self-Government, Rule of Law and Legality / Duma Vladivostok -
Komissiya po delam nesovershennoletnikh Frunzenskogo rayona
Mon-Thu, 09:00-18:00; Fri, 09:00-16:45; closed in Sat, Sun -
Gosudarstvennyy istoricheskiy arkhiv Dalnego Vostoka
Mon-Thu: 08:00-17:00; Fri: 08:00-15:45; Sat, Sun - closed- 10a bld., Aleutskaya St.
- +7 423 241-19-19 +7 423 241-19-19 — приемная
- +7 423 241-21-29 +7 423 241-21-29 — организационно-методический отдел
- More 3 phones
- +7 423 241-42-06 +7 423 241-42-06 — планово-финансовый отдел
- +7 423 241-36-96 +7 423 241-36-96 — отдел государственного учета и обеспечения сохранности документов
- +7 423 243-08-46 +7 423 243-08-46 — отдел научно-справочного аппарата
Departament Sotsialnoy Zaschity Naseleniya Primorskogo Kraya
Mon-Thu, 09:00-18:00; closed at 13:00-14:00; closed in Sat, Sun- 310 room, 2 bld., 1-ya Morskaya St. 32 branch offices
- +7 423 241-27-93 +7 423 241-27-93 — зам. начальника управления по социальной поддержке населения
- +7 423 243-08-59 +7 423 243-08-59 — отдел социального обслуживания населения
- More 2 phones
- +7 423 241-19-67 +7 423 241-19-67 — приемная, начальник управления
- +7 423 226-72-96 +7 423 226-72-96
Social protection of the population in the PC., Reception of citizens on social issues. Assignment of social benefits. Social support and assistance to elderly people, disabled people, vulnerable groups of the population.