Special mechinery rent 19
Building and road machinery services. Cargo shipping all over Primorskyi region, Russia and abroad.
My city
Everyday, 08:00-22:00Услуги экскаваторов. Разработка скальных пород и т. Д. . Гидромолот. Опытные машинисты. Гибкая система скидок. Работаем без выходных. -
Servis Track
Everyday, 09:00-20:00Поможем строительным бригадам и частным умельцам сэкономить на технике и доставке материалов. -
Our company offers special machinery services of any kind. -
EverydayWe provide passenger transportation services by buses 30-35 seats throughout the Primorsky Territory. Any kind: tourist, official, wedding, corporate, holiday, vacation, delivery of employees, workers and builders to work and back at the end of the day, individual tours etc.Day and night, Своя парковка -
Arenda Spets Tekhniki
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunSpecial equipment rent: Tow truck 5 tons, aerial platform, drilling, excavator 0,3 cube -
IP Asanbaev
to lease autotowers and car lifts. Price 700r-hour. -
Alfa DVS
Everyday, 08:00-19:00; closed at 12:00-13:00SK Alfa-Stroi LLC offers for sale new and used buses, trucks, special equipment, cars, trailers and semitrailers produced in South Korea, as well as contract engines and spare parts for them.Своя парковка -
Absolyut Vlad-LIS
Everyday, 08:00-20:00With the coming of the new year, our company took new heights on the rank of transport services in Vladivostok, thanks to the expansion of the fleet (trucks of all types and special equipment), the company's management decided to reduce tariffs in order to strengthen its reputation of reliable and inexpensive -
Avtobaza №125
Mon-Sun, 08:00-23:00Rubble, sand, rock and other bulk goods. Dumper services. Excavator services. Special machinery services. Filling, planning, arrangement of the territory of the land plot. -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun; closed at 13:00-14:00Construction and repair of roads. Industrial engineering. Prefabricated buildings and structures. Order of special equipment. Drilling work.Своя парковка -
IP Kartavaya A.A
Услуги колёсного экскаватора, ковш 0.6куб, траншейный ковш, гидромолот, опытный русский экскаваторщик. Услуги Самосвала. Услуги эвакуатора Наличный и без наличный расчёт. -
Everyday, 08:00-22:00Company Stroygarant offers a wide range of services for construction and road machinery for individuals and organizations, as well as trucking around the city and the edge. Lease: autotowers, tow trucks, truck cranes, trucks, dump trucks, rollers, bulldozers, mixers, and pits along the Primorsky Territory. -
Everyday, 09:00-18:00- 143 room, 11 bld., Tobolskaya St.
- +7 902 064-12-39 +7 902 064-12-39 — Диспетчерская
Special equipment services: dump trucks, excavator, front loader, truck cranes 5, 25, 50, 80 tons of GP and other special equipment. Delivery of gravel, sand, drop-outs in Vladivostok and along the edge. For a complete list of equipment, please call or e-mail. -
Uslugi mini-ekskavatora
Everyday, 09:00-20:00I offer the services of a mini excavator. Trenches, drainage, wells, plumbing, lay-out, kchechevka. -
EverydayThe company LLC Ant offers special machinery services. Rent: Tippers, Longines, Excavators, Wreckers. Delivery: Rocky ground, Crushed stone, Screenings, Sand, Gravel, ASG. -
Everyday, 09:00-20:00Компания «СпецУссур» осуществляет свою деятельность на рынке аренды спецтехники уже 10 лет. За это время мы внимательно изучили запросы и потребности наших заказчиков и можем предложить каждому клиенту именно то, что ему нужно с учетом его потребностей и финансовых возможностей.Своя парковка -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00 Sat, 09:00-15:00Special equipment services: truck cranes, bulldozers, excavators, compactors, yamobur, aerial platform, trawls, length gauges. -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00 Sat, 09:00-15:00 Sun - closedSpecial equipment services. Truck cranes are 5 10 12 and 25 tons. Bulldozers excavators trawls yamobur autotowers vibrating rollers