Special purpose machinery sale 24
Bus and trucks. New and used ones. Special purpose machinery.
My city
Mon-Sun, 09:00-20:00;Компания "Kamaro" осуществляет деятельность по приобретению автомобилей и спецтехники c аукционов Японии, США и Южной Кореи. Никаких скрытых комиссий и недоговоренностей, а только взаимовыгодное сотрудничество. -
Mon-Fri, 08:00-20:00; closed in Sat, SunКомпания ООО "ПОГРУЗЧИКИ" осуществляет продажу складской и строительной техники по низким ценам на выгодных условиях. У нас вы можете приобрести погрузчики (фронтальные, электрические, дизельные, бензиновые, мини), тележки и др. Доставка по России. -
Everyday, 09:00-21:00Hydraulics for the tractor, hydraulic kits, hydraulic cylinders, towbars, semi-trailers, multilifts, tachographs, gearbox, spare parts, service. -
Alfa DVS
Everyday, 08:00-19:00; closed at 12:00-13:00SK Alfa-Stroi LLC offers for sale new and used buses, trucks, special equipment, cars, trailers and semitrailers produced in South Korea, as well as contract engines and spare parts for them.Своя парковка -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00Sale of construction equipment. Spare parts for special machinery. Sale of trucks. Tires, wheels -
Razvitie DV
Mon-Sat, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sun- 24v bld., Gamarnika St.
- 8 800 200-57-51 8 800 200-57-51 — Общие вопросы
- +7 914 704-57-51 +7 914 704-57-51 — Продажа техники (МТС)
- +7 914 704-25-12 +7 914 704-25-12 — Продажа запчастей (МТС)
Supply and sale of trucks, buses and minibuses, construction and special machinery produced in Japan and South Korea.Своя парковка, Free Wi-Fi -
Mon-Sat, 10:00-18:00 Closed SunкHydraulic manipulators and Special machinery from Japan-Korea Sale, repair and maintenanceСвоя парковка, Free Wi-Fi -
Понедельник-пятница 09:00-17:00; everyday Суббота 10:00-16:00 Воскресенье closedSale of special machinery from Japan in Vladivostok. Excavators, loaders, road rollers, bulldozers and other special purpose machinery produced in Japan. Sale of special equipment in Vladivostok. Komatsu, Kobelco, Hitachi, IHI, Kubota, Yanma. -
Mon-Fri, 09:00 до 18:00; closed in Sat, SunSpecial equipment. Spare parts for special machinery. Technics for warehouseСвоя парковка -
Mon-Fri с 09:00 до18:00; closed in Sat, SunTehAsia Ltd. Company sells special machinery from South Korea. The main direction is crane-manipulator plants, drilling rigs, aerial platforms, mounting baskets, hydraulic drills from renowned manufacturers: Kanglim, DINEX, DONGHAE, AUGER. We also sell spare parts for K -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun- 61 bld., Borodinskaya St.
- 8 (800) 200 94 93 8 (800) 200 94 93 — Бесплатный по РФ
- +7 423 290-10-22 +7 423 290-10-22
The company Bass-DV carries out sale and service of buses of the Chinese and Russian manufacture -
Arsenal Rus
Mon-Fri, 10:00-19:00ArsenalRus Company carries out direct deliveries from the factories of South Korea of ??autoconcrete pumps and other construction equipment, as well as spare parts for this equipment. ArsenalRus' portfolio includes the most famous Korean brands, such brands as KSR, DongYang, JunJin, etc. -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; Sat, 10:00-13:00; ВС - closedООО «Восток Запад» является официальным дистрибьютором фирмы KCP Heavy Industries и осуществляет поставку автобетононасосов, а так другой спецтехники от ведущих производителей Ю. Корее HYUNDAI,.DAEWOO, NOVАS, DONGYANG, для строительных, дорожно-строительных, коммунальных, горных предприятий России. -
Mashinari Prim
Mon-Fri, 10:00-19:00; closed in Sat, SunThe company specializes in the import of special machinery and equipment manufactured in South Korea, USA. Special machinery, Sale of special equipment in Vladivostok, truck-concrete pumps, crushing complexes, drilling machines. -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunSupply and sale of buses, trucks and special equipment from South Korea. We will prepare and bring the buses for customs documents. -
Torgovyy Dom Tekhnika Dlya Sklada
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunThe Technique for Warehouse represents on the all-Russian and regional markets the warehouse equipment of several world famous manufacturers, including Otto Kurtbach (Germany) and Lema Engineering (Poland). Hydraulic trolleys, stackers, loaders, rigs and hoists, hoists, etc. -
ZAO ChelyabKranSbyt
ПН-ПТ 08:00-18:00ЗАО «ЧелябКранСбыт» является эксклюзивным дистрибьютором Открытого акционерного Общества «Челябинский Механический Завод» по реализации автомобильных, гусеничных дизель- электрических и специальных кранов ЧЕЛЯБИНЕЦ на территории РФ и стран СНГ. -
Tekhnicheskie resursy
Mon-Fri, 08:30-17:30; closed in Sat, Sun; closed at 12:00-13:00• SANY Marine Heavy Industries Co., Ltd (Китай) в ДФО и СФО с 2014 года. ричстакеры, вилочные погрузчики 10-46 тонн, штабелеры, перегружатели, краны RTG, RMG, STS • BKT (Индия) и KENDA (Тайвань) в ДФО с 2014 года. шины для индустриальной, строительной и сельскохозяйственной техникиСвоя парковка -
Sale of lorries; Special vehicles; Spare parts for special vehicles; Construction equipment and machinery; Tires, Disks