Industries 538
Food industry. Furniture and equipment production. Power, timber and chemical industry.
Everyday, 08:30-19:30ООО "ПГК" является активным участником газового рынка Приморского края, занимаясь производством и реализацией газов промышленного и бытового назначения (кислород, пропан, ацетилен, аргон, углекислота и т.д.), доставка, а также реализацией баллонов (металлических, композитных), комплектующих.Своя парковка
Mon-Sat, 09:00-18:00; closed in SunThe maximum range of rubber and asbestos technical products: plates, sleeves, belts, seals, rings, cuffs, membranes, asbestos cloth, asboshnury. And also: caprolon, fluoroplastic, graphite, textolite, BRS, clamps, ropes, ropes, cords of various purposes, rags, felt, avizent, canvas -
CNC Electric
Производство промышленных электроприборов: высоковольтное и низковольтное электрооборудование, приборы и счетчики, взрывозащищенные приборы, силовые трансформаторы. -
Production of various seals and parts, cuffs, rings. Components of any complexity for hydraulic and pneumatic systems, industrial units and ship mechanisms -
Mon-Fri, 08:00-17:00; Sat-Sun by appointmentAcceptance, overhaul (preventive) tests and measurements, diagnostics of electrical equipment up to and above 1000 V. Operational (regular and extraordinary) tests of electrical protective equipment used in electrical installations up to and above 1000 V. -
Mon-Fri, 08:00-17:00; closed in Sat и Sun. Возможен вызов мастера в нерабочие дни- 21V bld., Dneprovskaya St.
- +7 994 015-31-39 +7 994 015-31-39 — Мастерская
- +7 914 705-28-98 +7 914 705-28-98 — Директор
On the basis of our enterprise, assembly and repair production of hydraulic and industrial high-pressure hoses (HPH) operates. We have a line for the manufacture and repair of RVD for any construction and road machinery. So we sell couplings, fittings and sleeves at retail.Своя парковка -
Mon-Sat, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sun- 2 room, 8 bld., 3-ya Stroitelnaya St. 8 branch offices
- +7 423 229-07-32 +7 423 229-07-32 — Приём заявок
- +7 908 449-91-50 +7 908 449-91-50 — WhatsApp
Sale and delivery of petroleum products. Services of gasoline tank trucks, refueling of special equipment, fuel for cottages, any form of payment. -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-17:00; closed at 13:00-14:00; closed in Sat, SunSupply of reagents, laboratory glassware, clean chemicals, including enterprises of Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Primorsky Territory -
Everyday, 11:00-18:00; everyday, no lunch breakManufacturing of furniture for individual orders, sizesСвоя парковка -
Dalnevostochnaya Energosberegayuschaya Kompaniya
Energy Saving Technologies -
Ltd. Molochnaya Reka
Everyday, 09:00-20:00; everyday, no lunch break -
Mon-Fri с 8.00 до 17.30; closed in Sat, SunWe carry out complex deliveries of building material and rolled metal products at affordable prices. We provide the whole range of services: cutting, cutting, tying, logistics. We work with regions. There is a flexible system of discounts depending on the volume of orders. -
Mon-Fri, 10:00-20:00; Sat, 10:00-16:00; closed in Sun;Cabinet furniture. {25} Office furniture. Furniture for kitchen. 2 windows Interior doors. -
Arsenevskiy molochnyy kombinat
Kvas Dairy products Ice cream Health products Frozen products Water -
Mon-Sat, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sun; closed at 13:00-14:00Производство металлоконструкций. НАВЕСЫ, ЛЕСТНИЦЫ, ЗАБОРЫ, ВОРОТА, ТЕПЛИЦЫ, АРМОКАРКАСЫ. Проектирование, изготовление, монтаж.Day and night, Своя парковка -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun;Собственное производство: профильная и круглая труба, уголок, швеллер, сетка, стальная полоса. Розничная и оптовая торговля металлопрокатом и метизами.