Shopping centres 299
Stores and markets of Vladivostok. Supermarkets and other trading centres.
My city
24Office and retail complexes
265Supermarkets and stores
136Shopping centres
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Своя парковка
Своя парковка
Malyy Gum
Everyday, 10:00-20:00Full-scale shopping and entertainment: clothing stores, places for family recreation. On the upper floors there is an entertainment center and a restaurant overlooking the Golden Horn. The lower floors are occupied by retail space. Free wi-fi. -
Detskaya Liga supermarket tovarov dlya detey
Everyday с 09 до 23; EverydayGoods for children. Toys for children of all ages. Children's clothing. Children's shoes. -
Day and night
Everyday, 10:00-22:00Дружба - один из крупнейших торгово-развлекательных центров нашего города. Вас ждут десятки модных брендов, все для дома и уюта, большой супермаркет и огромная развлекательная зона с фудкортом. Оставить машину можно на вместительной парковке. -
Своя парковка
Na semi vetrakh
Everyday, 09:00-21:00; everyday, no lunch break -
Everyday, 10:00-21:00- 15 bld., Cheremukhovaya St.
- +7 2432646160 +7 2432646160 — круглосуточный
Shopping and entertainment center for the whole family. Grocery supermarket Sambury, home appliances Domotechnika, children's goods store Detland, Clothing for the whole family: Respect, Gloria Jeans, TOY.RU, Hedgehog, ELIS, as well as Illusion Park - an interactive entertainment centerСвоя парковка, Free Wi-Fi -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun;Наш комплекс имеет крайне широкий диапазон температур хранения. Мы способны хранить от замороженного мяса и рыбы до самых нежных фруктов, таких как банан. -
Mon-Fri, 08:30-17:30; closed in Sat, SunKhladokombinat, with a capacity of 10 000 tons of one-time storage, is characterized by strict observance of the conditions of storage of goods, allowing service capacity of 900 tons per day, accepts goods from all over Russia and from abroad, has railway access roads