Workshops 41
Управленческие тренинги, тренинги продаж. Корпоративное обучение.
My city
Mon-Fri, 10:00-19:00; closed in Sat, Sun"Sprut-in-Suit" проводит программы и курсы для предпринимателей. Мы учим руководителей тратить меньше времени и сил при достижении целей и внедряем сервисы и методы, которые помогают команде работать в едином ритме. -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunPersonal trainings / seminars. Business trainings / seminars. -
Coach For Pacific
Courage and ability to keep a high tempo will give you a qualitative result in a short time. The ability of the coach to hear a person at a deep level will help you to highlight the most significant for you. -
Aziatsko-tikhookeanskaya akademiya kouchinga
Mon-Fri, 08:30-16:00; closed СБ, SunCreation and implementation of corporate training programs for organizations that are interested in implementing long-term multi-level education of their employees -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; Sat, 09:00-15:00; closed in Sun. Время работы кружков уточняйте по расписаниюМуниципальное образовательное учреждение дополнительного образования. Кружки для детей. -
Kompaniya Softline
Softline Training Center is the largest leader in IT education, with state accreditation and having a wide network of 30 representative offices located in the largest cities of Russia, CIS countries and abroad. -
Dalnevostochnaya assotsiatsiya sistemnykh semeynykh psikhologov
Everyday, 11:00-23:00Personal trainings / seminars. Services of a psychologist. -
Mon-Fri, 10:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunPersonnel / recruiting agencies. Personal trainings / seminars. Business trainings / seminars. -
NP Tsentr sovremennykh psikhotekhnologiy "Avtoritet"
Mon-Fri, 10:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun- 72 bld., Svetlanskaya St.
- +7 423 258-85-58 +7 423 258-85-58 — тренинги личностного роста
- +7 423 260-88-00 +7 423 260-88-00 — тренинги личностного роста
- More 3 phones
- +7 423 260-84-85 +7 423 260-84-85 — бизнес-тренинги
- +7 423 260-84-82 +7 423 260-84-82 — школа идеальной женщины
- +7 423 260-84-83 +7 423 260-84-83 — детские тренинги
Programs of personal development. Business trainings and seminars. Corporate programs. School of Good Wizards. School of the Ideal Woman. NLP-Practitioner, NLP-Master and other NLP trainings -
Biznes Akademiya Olgi Statsenko
Mon-Fri, 10:00-19:00; closed in Sat, SunProviding management technologies to the business owners (top managers and top managers): hiring personnel, building an organization, strategic development and management of the company, sales, motivation and team building, promotion, advertising, PR, legal protection of business, tax optimization .Своя парковка, Free Wi-Fi -
Klyuchevye Tekhnologii
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunCorporate Development Center KEY TECHNOLOGIES organizes open and corporate projects with the participation of leading experts of Russia. The main area of ??activity: the organization of business seminars and trainings for managers, business owners, accounting and personnel servicesСвоя парковка, Free Wi-Fi -
Psikhologicheskiy tsentr sistemnogo konsultirovaniya
Mon-Sat, 10:00-18:00; closed in SunPersonal trainings / seminars. Business-trainings / seminars. Consultations of a psychologist. Trainings and seminars for organizations. Training and professional development for specialists. -
Iskusstvo Obscheniya
Mon-Sat, 10:00-21:00- Vladivostok
- +7 914 730-12-73 +7 914 730-12-73 — Артём
- +7 914 677-93-53 +7 914 677-93-53 — Дмитрий
Клуб “Искусство общения“ — сообщество, участники которого объединены интересом к человеческому общению. Главная задача клуба — помочь каждому человеку научиться общаться: грамотно излагать мысли, строить аргументацию, достигать собственных целей в общении с людьми. -
Trener lichnostnogo rosta
by appointment- Vladivostok
- +7 914 792-57-93 +7 914 792-57-93 — WhatsApp
специалист, который помогает людям добиться профессионального или личностного успеха в жизни, развиваться, становиться эффективнее, реализовывать потенциал. -
Бизнес-тренинги, Личностные тренинги, Тимбилдинг, семинары -
Agentstvo nezavisimykh konsultantov i trenerov
Mon-Fri, 11:00-19:00; Sat, 10:00-19:00; Sun - closedWe offer the best modern methods of psychology, the latest approaches to human health, effective training for professional growth. We invite you to: - Seminars and trainings for personal growth. - Personal and family consultations. - Advanced training in psychology. -
Tsentr razvitiya mozga
Mon-Fri12:00-20:00; Sat, 11:00-18:00; closed - SunНейротренинги, скорочтение, развитие внимания и сосредоточенности, памяти и интеллекта, коррекция СДВГ, ребенок-гений, подготовка к школе, самодисциплина, теория лжи.Своя парковка, Free Wi-Fi -
System ITC
Mon-Fri, 10:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun; closed at 13:00-14:00System ITC is: the best trainings, strong trainers, qualitative organization, effective development. Our mission is to make the path of your development easy, fast and pleasant.Своя парковка -
Uroki TV – бесценная помощь учащимся с выполнением домашней работы в текстовом, графическом и видео варианте! Материал подан в виде решебников, учебников. Все оформлено в формате видео решений. Такая информация отлично усваивается учениками. -
Shkola Gostepriimstva
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunTrainings and seminars from experienced business trainers for hospitality industry enterprises.