Health 2
All health care institutions. Pharmacies, optical stores and labs. Ambulance.
48Dietary supplements
83Maternity and children care
414Medical services
466Medical centres
15Medical tourism
76Medical equipment
74Optical stores
27Health resorts and recreation centres
Showing results in "Меридиан"
Stomatologicheskaya klinika Dantist
Mon-Fri, 09:00-20:00; Sat, 09:00-17:00; closed in SunTreatment of teeth. All types of prosthetics. Surgery and implantation. Orthodontics. Art restoration of teeth. Professional hygieneСвоя парковка -
Klinika sovremennoy stomatologii
Mon-Sat, 09:00-20:00; closed in SunDentistry, treatment, prosthetics, endodontics, dental x-rays, removal of retinas of wisdom teethFree Wi-Fi