Zoos and aquariums 4
Oceanarium of Vladivostok, safari park and zoo contacts. Butterfly house.
Primorskiy okeanarium
Tue-Sun, 10:00-20:00; выступления в дельфинарии проводятся в 11:00 и 15:00; кассы работают 09:30-18:30; вход в здание прекращается в 18:15The Primorsky Oceanarium of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences was built in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation. -
Everyday, 10:00-19:00; everyday, no lunch breakZoo of exotic animals with more than 24 species of animals: ostriches, camels, badgers, foxes, raccoons, bears, monkeys, snakes (anaconda) crocodiles, turtles, pigeons, hawks, rabbits, Dalmatians, lynxes, wild boars, deer , Leopard and others. You can take pictures and feed animals -
Everyday, 10:00-19:00 no lunch break, выходных и праздничных днейWe have: live butterflies, a corner of children's creativity, make merry aquagrim to yourself and your children Come with children, bring friends and girlfriends, organize holidays, hold masterclassesСвоя парковка