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Public transport:
Stadion Avangard
Buses: 54, 31, 55, 49, 17Л, 98Д


  • Discount card
    Discount for visitors IPRIM.RU To receive a discount - tell the manager of the selected company that the discount is provided by the business search engine IPRIM.RU
    3 — 20 %
    To receive a discount - tell the manager of the selected company that the discount is provided by the business search engine IPRIM.RU


Development, production and sale of therapeutic and prophylactic agents, biologically active food additives, health-improving food products and professional cosmetics from natural, environmentally friendly raw materials.

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General information

  • Discounts available
  • Free Wi-Fi


  • Payment method
    cash / bank transfer / wire-transfer / sms-payback / C.O.D.

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