Industries 538
Food industry. Furniture and equipment production. Power, timber and chemical industry.
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun; closed at 13:00-14:00We sell and transport high-quality petroleum products in the city and the edge. DT, TCM, kerosene (TC-1), AI-92. A convenient form of payment for you. We work without days off. The price is negotiable.Своя парковка, Free Wi-Fi -
Tsentr trudovoy adaptatsii osuzhdennykh
Mon-Thu, 09:00-18:00; Fri, 09:00-16:45; closed in Sat, Sun- 15 bld., Arsenalnaya St.
- +7 423 230-54-24 +7 423 230-54-24 — группа маркетинга
- +7 423 230-54-23 +7 423 230-54-23 — отдел трудовой адаптации
production of building materials, furniture manufacturing, woodworking, metalworking, sewing, carved wood products -
Medical supplies, Equipment for laboratories -
GK Belyy Slon
Mon-Sat, 10:00-15:00; closed in Sun- 6 bld., of 38 Borisenko St.
- +7 994 010-65-68 +7 994 010-65-68 — металлоконструкции
- +7 423 293-49-24 +7 423 293-49-24 — роллеты
ГК"Белый Слон" - это -Mеталлоконструкции и Kованые изделия (ворота откатные, распашные, секционные, автоматические) -Заборы и ограждения; -Решетки сварные, кованые, рольрешетки, рольставни; -Шлагбаумы; -Эксклюзивная ковкаСвоя парковка, Free Wi-Fi -
Mon-Fri, 10:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun;Пиломатериалы от производителя. Двери, пропитка для древесины Доска половая Доска тонкая Доска толстая Брус профилированный Доска обрезная 1 Брус Брусок Рейка Доска обрезная 2 Доска полукруглая -
MGP Metal
Mon-Fri, 09:00-17:00; closed in Sat, SunРезка материала и доставка по всей России. Большой ассортимент металлопрокатных изделий из стали и цветных металлов. Трубный и сортовой прокат, проволока, арматура, ферросплавы, а также порошки различных металлов. Оптовые и розничные цены. -
Mon-Fri, 08:30-17:30; closed in Sat, SunExtraction, processing, transportation, sale of fish products -
Mon-Fri, 08:30-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun; closed at 12:30-13:30Production of food products from fish and seafood -
OAO "Gazprom gazoraspredelenie"
Everyday, 09:00-18:00- 119 bld., Melnikovskaya St.
- +7 423 260-55-12 +7 423 260-55-12 — секретарь
- +7 914 965-73-59 +7 914 965-73-59 — секретарь
Gas distribution organization. Branch in the Far Eastern Federal District. -
Mon-Sat, 10:00-19:00; closed at 13:00-14:00; Sun closedWorkshop of art forging Gorynych exists since 2003. The main direction is art forging on its own sketches. We cooperate effectively with architects and designers, construction companies. The products of our smithy are decorated with streets of Vladivostok and its suburbs.Своя парковка -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; Sat, Sun - closed- 46/50 bld., Borodinskaya St.
- +7 423 293-74-93 +7 423 293-74-93 — Алексей
- +7 914 699-55-25 +7 914 699-55-25 — Алексей
The company provides services: manufacturing and installation of stainless steel ladder fences, handrails for the disabled, wall cladding, canopies, awnings, shelving, tables, tanks, carts and much more. Also services of cutting and bending of metal, hydraulic cutting. Colored and stainless steel.Своя парковка -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-19:00; closed in Sat, SunCompany Industrial fasteners, parts, spare parts (PKDZ) is a reliable supplier of hardware products, components for machine tools and equipment, as well as lubricants for construction and industrial enterprises in Russia. -
Russkaya rybnaya kompaniya
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun; closed at 13:00-14:00Wholesale-purchasing company. Russian Fish Company manages an effective network of representative offices through which fish and seafood are distributed and sold to all-Russian and regional retail chains, regional distributors and fish processing companies throughout Russia. -
Trade and production company. Rubber products -
Mebel na zakaz
Mon-Fri, 10:00-18:30; Sat-Sun, 10:00-18:00Manufacturing of furniture to order. Kitchens, wardrobes, children's. -
Mon-Fri, 10:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunWholesale trade in fish products. Agency and accompanying services for sending fish products to the regions. -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun; closed at 13:00-14:00Dalverf - the official site of the manufacturer of aluminum boats and boats. In the catalog of the site you can find: aluminum boats, motor boats, rowing boats, aluminum boats, cabin boats, boat motors, boat trailers, ship equipment, accessories for water equipment and much more.