Beauty salons, hairdresser's 546
Haircuts for men, women and children. Professional makeup. Nail services.
Pokazanieva studio
Everyday, 10:00-20:00Ногти, микроблейдинг, дрови, обучение, окрашивание волос любой сложности, стрижки, солярий, ботокс для волос -
Kosmetologicheskiy kabinet Lagutinoy E.V.
Mon-Sat, 10:00-20:00; closed in SunУслуги профессионального врача-косметолога в г.Владивостоке -
Everyday, 09:00-19:00Если ты ещё не почувствовала себя королевой, тогда тебе срочно нужно к нам. Услуги визажиста, коррекция и окрашивание бровей, прически, маникюрСвоя парковка, Free Wi-Fi, Manicure -
Everyday, 10:00-19:00Men, in our salon, we can offer: children's and men's haircuts, manicure, pedicure, head massage and professional means for the prevention of alopecia, beard and mustache design, highlighting or toning the head, staining and styling. Decoration of eyebrows, auricles, whiskersСвоя парковка, Free Wi-Fi -
Minor depilab
Everyday, 09:00-21:00; everyday, no lunch breakBeauty studio of Katerina Minor. Depilation of sugar paste (shugaring) from masters with extensive experience and medical education. Correction of the figure, massage (the master with medical education). Manicure. Shellac coating (Shellac CND).Sale of funds for the slugging Cannaan and Gloria -
Krasivo delaem nogi
Everyday, 09:00-19:00; everyday, no lunch breakHardware technique for foot care, correction of ingrown nails, prosthetics of nail plates, treatment of corn cracks, thickened nails, manicure, spa care, bio-depilation.Manicure, Pedicure -
Studiya krasoty Natali
Everyday, 10:00-20:00Natalia's Beauty Studio will not allow you to doubt your excellence and attractiveness We will help show your beauty to the worldСвоя парковка, Free Wi-Fi, Manicure, Pedicure -
Red Nail
Mon-Sat, 10:00-20:00; Sun, 10:00-19:30Hairdressing services: weaving braid, Nail service: manicure, pedicure, nail extension -
Studiya dizayna i modelirovaniya nogtey
Mon-Sat: 10:00-20:00; Sun - closed -
Mon-Sat, 09:00-19:00; Sun, 09:00-17:00Hairdresser, men's and women's haircuts. Nail studio.Своя парковка, Manicure, Pedicure -
Everyday, 10:00-20:00The Studio of Express Hairstyles Milania presents to you the services of make-up artists and stylists on hairstyles. Our stylists with great pleasure will select you a unique image: for a wedding, graduation, date, photo session. The masters have a huge work experience.Своя парковка -
Everyday, 10:00-21:00Barbershop Notch - a new place for real men of Vladivostok This is not just a hairdresser. This is a real men's club. Ran a haircut, discuss topical issues and drink a cup of coffee.Free Wi-Fi, Tattoos -
Everyday, 10:00-20:00Ногтевые студии. Услуги косметолога. Услуги по уходу за ресницами / бровями. Парикмахерские услуги. Услуги визажиста -
360 gradusov
Everyday, 09:00-20:00Вся косметология, полный спектр услуг .Парикмахерские услуги. Мужские и женские стрижки. Шугаринг. Маникюр. Педикюр.LPG Массаж. Спа услуги -
Gladkie Sladkie
Лазерная эпиляция. Удаление волос. Косметологический кабинет. -
Everyday, 08:00-20:00; everyday, no lunch breakСалон красоты Акварель - полный спектр услуг по новейшим технологиям: Архитектурные стрижки и Идеальное окрашивание, Маникюр, педикюр, наращивание, мужские стрижки, женские стрижки, чистка лица, шугаринг, пилинг. Косметолог. Увеличение губ. Визаж. Профессиональный визаж и Оформление бровей. Татуаж.Своя парковка, Free Wi-Fi, Manicure, Tattoos, Beautician, Pedicure-
450 rub
950 rub
1 350 rub