Sports clubs and schools 108
Sports schools for children. Sports federations.
Tennisnaya shkola Sevostyanova
Everyday, 08:00-22:00 -
Sportivnaya shkola snouborda
Everyday, 09:00-22:00Спортивная школа сноуборда входит в структуру детско-юношеской спортивной школы единоборств. Дети в спортивной школе тренируются круглый год . Прием в группы от 7 до 15 лет -
Federatsiya sportivnogo karate Primorskogo kraya
Mon-Sat, 10:00-17:00; Sun closedSports and Commercial Center of the Far Eastern Association of Oriental Martial Arts -
Federatsiya kartinga
karting club, karting competition. -
Federatsiya Aykido Tendoryu Primorskogo kraya
Mon, Wed, Fri: 18:00-19:00 - 1 детская группа (новички) суббота 14:00 -15:30 воскресенье 10:30 - 12:00 - 2 детская группа выходного дня Mon, Wed, Fri: 19:00-20:00 - 1 взрослая группа (новички) Mon, Wed, Fri: 20:30-22:00 - 2 взрослая группа -
Tigry Vladivostoka
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunEmployment in various sports. Carrying out competitions. -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-20:00; closed in Sat, SunSection on basketball, volleyball, football, Greco-Roman wrestling, boxing, table tennis -
Mon-Fri, 10:00-19:00; Sat, 10:00-17:00; closed in SunTraining in self-defense. How to protect yourself. Courses of battle, karate, yoga. NLP protection. -
Rosso Club
Mon-Sat, 09:00-18:00; closed in SunHorses for rent, Horseback rides, Rider Elementary School. Services are available to private owners. Horse rental for photo sessions. Rent a horse for celebrations with departure. Riding lessons. For beginners, classes are individually arranged. Convenient location, picturesque places. Vladivostok. -
Своя парковка
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun- 284 bld., Makovskogo St.
- +7 423 279-30-20 +7 423 279-30-20 — приемная
- +7 423 279-30-35 +7 423 279-30-35 — школа Адмирал
Concert and sports complex. One of the largest sports arenas in the Far East. In addition to hockey, the arena can be transformed into sports grounds or into a stage. The capacity of the auditorium is 5500-7000 seats. -
Everyday, 12:00-22:00- 19 bld., Gamarnika St. 1 branch office
- +7 800 700-29-90 +7 800 700-29-90 — единая справочная
Bookmaker office. Live broadcasts. Football, hockey, basketball. -
Primorskaya Kraevaya Federatsiya Bodibildinga
- 197 bld., Svetlanskaya St.
- +7 914 718-22-92 +7 914 718-22-92 — WhatsApp, Президент ОО «ПКФБ» Левин Николай
Приморская краевая федерация бодибилдинга и фитнеса представляет собой аккредитованное в Министерстве спорта представительство Федерации бодибилдинга России /ФББР/, которое выступает как часть общего мирового спортивного движения бодибилдеров - International Federation of Bodybuilding (IFBB). -
Mon-Fri, 08:00-21:30; Sat, 09:00-19:30; В10:00-16:30Кудо с х лет, танцы, детский лечебный массаж, тренажерный раз, педогог-психолог, репетитор по русскому языку.Своя парковка, Free Wi-Fi -
Primorskiy paramotornyy klub
Our club was established at the end of 2005 with the aim of combining the pilots-paramotors and the development of this sport and active recreation in the Primorsky Territory. -
Federatsiya cherlidinga Primorskogo kraya
Everyday, 09:00-21:00Development and promotion and support of sports in the Primorsky Territory. Cheerleading is a spectacular and emotional sport. Cheerleading is acrobatics, gymnastics, dances of different styles, support, chants, emotions. Organization of sports competitions, demonstration performances at the events of the city and the region. -
Federatsiya aykido Primorskogo kraya
Mon-Sat, 09:00-20:30; closed in Sun- 7 bld., Cheremukhovaya St. 3 branch offices
- +7 423 227-65-38 +7 423 227-65-38
- +7 423 290-01-73 +7 423 290-01-73
- More 2 phones
- +7 908 992-04-15 +7 908 992-04-15 — единая справочная - пн-сб 9:00-18:00
- +7 914 792-19-74 +7 914 792-19-74 — единая справочная - пн-вс 9:00-23:00
School of Martial Art Federation was established on March 31, 2003 and aims to practice and develop Aikido in the traditional form of Nihon Budo, as well as study the cultural heritage of Japan. -
Federatsiya KUDO Dalnego Vostoka
Mon-Fri, 10:00-17:00; closed in Sat, Sun- 106 bld., Svetlanskaya St.
- +7 423 264-24-50 +7 423 264-24-50 — единая справочная
Federation of Sports Interregional Public Sports Organization Federation of KUDO of the Far East. President of the KUDO Federation of the Far Eastern Federal District - Yasin Alexander Leonidovich -
Alyans Chirlidinga i Chir Sporta
By appointment Mon-Fri, 09:00-20:00; closed in Sat, SunОбщественная Спортивная Организация "Альянс Чирлидинга и Чир спорта"