Sports goods 159
Sportswear and footwear. Goods for sport. Rods, mannequins, equipment for the gym.
Своя парковка
Everyday, 09:00-20:00; everyday, no lunch break- 150 bld., Vladivostoku let 100 Ave 2 branch offices
- +7 423 232-13-26 +7 423 232-13-26
- +7 423 232-12-30 +7 423 232-12-30 — телефон магазина
- +7 423 233-90-79 +7 423 233-90-79 — телефон офиса
Sports equipment. Sportswear, footwear. Goods for the city, sport, tourism, hunting, fishing, diving. Quicksilver, RedFox, Helly Hansen -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunБрендовая спортивная одежда в наличии . У нас только оригиналы -
Magazin "Bullit"
We are in the building of the Ice Palace. Hockey outfits and accessories are on sale. -
Мобильный пункт проката работает на набережной ДВФУ(о.Русский) только при ясной погоде и сухих площадках для катания. Пункт проката и выдача техники из здания над водопадами (кампус ДВФУ) по предварительному бронированию: Tue-Fri, 15:00-20:00; Sat-- Ayaks
- +7 902 481-42-88 +7 902 481-42-88 — звонки с 9:00 до 20:00
- +7 914 675-41-80 +7 914 675-41-80 — WhatsApp
- +7 914 668-97-13 +7 914 668-97-13 — Бронирование с 11 до 17 часов
Аренда и прокат современных, экологически чистых индивидуальных электротранспортных средств с широчайшими возможностями их применения, для активного отдыха или работы. Сигвеи, гироскутеры, моноколеса, самокаты. -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-21:00; Sat, Sun, 09:00-19:00We are a Russian company, developing and producing equipment for tourism and outdoor activities especially for Russian conditions. -
Mon-Fri, 10:00-18:00; Sat-Sun, 11:00-18:00; closed at 13:00-14:00Shop Tafgay, sells hockey uniforms, clothes and accessories for figure skating, paraphernalia for fans of Khk Admiral and Mkhl Typhoon, and souvenirs. Delivery to your city is possible.A pre-order is possible.Своя парковка -
Mon-Sat, 10:00-19:00; Sun, 10:00-18:00In our store you will find a full range of basic food additives to achieve any goals, whether it's a set of muscle mass, fat burning, or just keeping the body in active physical activity. -
Tandem na Russkom ostrove
Everyday, 10:00-20:00Велопрокат час 150 рублей, день - 500 рублей. Без залога. -
Zelenyy krokodil
Спортивный инвентарь. Велосипеды. Игрушки. Детская одежда. Детское питание -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-21:00; Sat, Sun, 09:00-19:00We are a Russian company, develop and produce equipment for tourism and outdoor activities especially for Russian conditions. -
Everyday, 10:00-21:00Equipment for tourism and recreation. {15} Sports equipment. {12} Medical equipment. Sportswear and footwear. -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunDear athletes, are happy to announce that we are ready to offer you sports nutrition products at anti-crisis prices. You can buy products at: Artem, Sevastopolskaya 36, ??the building of the city Basin. -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-21:00; Sat, Sun, 09:00-19:00We are a Russian company, develop and produce equipment for tourism and outdoor activities especially for Russian conditions.