Ship supply 52
Ship chandling. Shore based maintenance.
HK Marline Trading Ltd.
Агентирование судов, Встреча, трансферт сотрудников, Размещение сотрудников компании и экипажа судов, Складирование транзитного груза -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunOur company was founded in 2001. The main sphere of the company's activity is the supply of vessels with rigging and fishing gear, electrical equipment. -
Mon-Sun, 09:00-17:00;Chemical preparations of the marine or industrial purpose of Unitor and other leaders of the marine chemical service for water treatment and cleaning of heat exchangers, fuel processing -
Kompaniya STR
Mon-Fri, 09:00-17:00; closed in Sat, Sun;Техническое снабжение флота: СЗЧ для судовых двигателей, насосы, сепараторы, компрессора, судовая арматура и многое другое... -
Morskoy dom
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; Sat, 09:00-16:00; Sun closedКомплексное снабжение рыбодобывающих и рыбоперерабатывающих предприятий -
Своя парковка
Mon-Fri, 09:00-19:00; closed in Sat, SunThe largest supplier of equipment and advanced technologies for the marine industry in the Far Eastern region of Russia -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunThe company has been on the market for more than 15 years, is engaged in the production and supply of ships of rescue equipment with the certificate of the Marine and River Register: circles, vests, buoys of light, search lights, storm ladders, water and rations, Also fire extinguishers. -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun; closed at 13:00-14:00We offer you professional ship equipment supplies from the warehouse of Vladivostok and under the order in a short time. Electrical equipment, including graphite brushes, brush holders. -
Vlad Marin
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunОсновными нашими направлениями являются ежегодные переосвидетельствования аварийно-спасательного имущества, противопожарного оборудования и комплексное материально-техническое снабжение судов. -
Mon-Fri, 08:30-17:30; closed in Sat, SunIntegrated technical supply from A to Z as shipowners and enterprises of the coastal energy complex, as well as agency companies -
Dalnevostochnaya Intendantskaya Kompaniya
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; everyday; closed in Sat, SunShip Supply. -
Torgovyy Tsentr Sudovogo Snabzheniya
Group of companies The trade center of ship supply works on the market since 2002. During this time, a great deal of experience has been accumulated with shipping companies and shipowners. One of the main directions of our activity is the supply of ship equipment -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, Sun;Компания "НОК-ДВ" работает на рынке промыслового снабжения судов уже более 17 лет. За это время мы успели зарекомендовать себя как надежного поставщика во многих крупных рыбодобывающих компаниях Дальнего Востока. -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunПроизводство профессиональной химии во Владивостоке! Судовая химия, химия для катеров и яхт, химия для пищевых предприятий и производств, строительная химия, автохимия оптом и в розницу, шампуни, химия для клининга, бытовая химия, антисептические и дезинфицирующие средства.Своя парковка -
Products for liquidation of oil and oil products spills. Supply of vessels with sorbing products. Manufacture of oil absorbing booms, napkins, sleeves according to the sizes provided by the Customer. -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunЗапчсти для маломерных судов. Запчасти для водной техники. -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-18:00; closed in Sat, SunSupply of vessels. Safety equipment. Paints and varnishes -
Mon-Fri, 09:00-17:00; closed in Sat, SunShipchandler services. {33} Varnish and paint materials. {4} Household chemicals. {23} Overalls. Individual protection means.Своя парковка