Mindal, сafe and bar

QR code
To copy to your phone, you must first have a special program for recognizing QR codes
company logo
How to get there?
Location map
Location map
Public transport:
TTs Izumrud
Buses: 49, 31, 54А, 55, 60, 81


  • Discount card
    Discount for the birthday Discount is given to the birthday person on his birthday when providing a passport.
    10 %
    Discount is given to the birthday person on his birthday when providing a passport.
  • Discount card
    Universal discount Скидка действует в понедельник с 17:00 до 00:00 на кухню 20% , во вторник с 17:00 до 00:00 на бар.
    20 %
    Discount is provided on company terms. Conditions should be spelled out in the description of the discount
  • Discount card
    Бонусная накопительная карта кафе Миндаль 5% от суммы чека начисляется на бонусную карту.
    0 — 50 %
    5% от суммы чека начисляется на бонусную карту.


European cuisine. Cozy room, hospitable staff. Live music, parties every weekend. Rest in Vladivostok. Book a table in the cafe. Reservation of tables. Reserve a table. Online table reservation. Rent a table. Hall rental. Wedding. Corporate Birth date To hold a corporate.

Extended information

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General information

  • Business lunch
  • Takeaway
  • Своя парковка
  • Discounts available
  • Terrace
  • Average bill
    700 RUB
  • Average bill
    500 – 1000 rub
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Предварительная запись


  • Payment method
    cash / банковская карта


  • Cuisine

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