Grazhdanskaya zaschita, юридические услуги, консультации

QR code
To copy to your phone, you must first have a special program for recognizing QR codes
company logo
How to get there?
Location map
Location map
Public transport:
Seraya loshad
Buses: 7Т, 31, 60, 49, 59, 45


  • Discount card
    Discount for visitors IPRIM.RU To receive a discount - tell the manager of the selected company that the discount is provided by the business search engine IPRIM.RU
    10 %
    To receive a discount - tell the manager of the selected company that the discount is provided by the business search engine IPRIM.RU
  • Discount card
    Discount for the birthday Discount is given to the birthday person on his birthday when providing a passport.
    15 %
    Discount is given to the birthday person on his birthday when providing a passport.
  • Discount card
    Universal discount Скидка предоставляется на условиях компании. При заказе двух и более услуг, а также при оплате стоимости услуг на сумму свыше 150 000 рублей в совокупности.
    5 — 25 %
    Discount is provided on company terms. Conditions should be spelled out in the description of the discount


Профессиональные юристы и бухгалтеры. Юридические консультации и представительство в суде. Проводим процедуры регистрации ООО и ИП, банкротства физических и юридических лиц. Поможем оформить документы, подать иск, ходатайство, заявление, жилищные споры. Ведение дел в судах, арбитраж. Адвокат

Extended information

Learn more

General information

  • Своя парковка
  • Discounts available


  • Payment method
    cash / bank transfer / wire-transfer
  • Installment possible