Germes, shopping mall

QR code
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Public transport:
3-ya Rabochaya
Buses: 7Т, 55, 54А, 97


Letting of premises

Extended information

  • Biomekhanika
    access_time Mon-Fri, 07:00-22:00; Sat, 09:00-21:00; Sun, 09:00-20:00
    We invite you to visit an oasis of beauty, joy and health - a unique Vladivostok wellness center. Atmosphere, which has no analogues in Primorye: weight loss, postpartum correction, cellulite disposal, proper nutrition, infrared therapy, isodynamic simulators, collagenarium. Fitness
    № 11
  • Lifewell Velnes oborudovanie i trenazhyory
    Lifewell Company offers you to buy Wellness equipment of the leading manufacturers of the industry at the lowest prices. On our website you can find Wellness machines for your business and for home use. We will deliver the equipment to you anywhere in Russia in the shortest possible time.
    1 floor
  • AvtoDen
    access_time Mon-Sun, 09:00-24:00
    Center for complex auto repair: body repair, engine diagnostics, chassis repair, diagnostics of fuel equipment, interior insulation, aerography, polishing, auto painting, plastic restoration, search and sale of auto parts.
  • Sunduchok Masterovogo
    access_time Everyday, 09:00-19:00
    Более 1000 товаров для строительства и мелкого ремонта. Скидка 5% при покупке от 5000 р. Электроинструменты, ручной инструмент, мебельная фурнитура, товары для сада и огорода, товары для дома
    1 floor
  • MTS bank
    access_time Mon-Fri, 10:00-18:30; closed in Sat, Sun
    № 11
  • Asics
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-19:00; everyday, no lunch break
    Sportswear, footwear; Sports equipment
    № 3-8
  • Dinamika Avto
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-19:00
    DVRs, radar detectors, navigators, security systems. Car sound. Auto parts. Security systems, avtomagnitol Vladivostok, car navigators, DVRs, subwoofers, staffers, car receivers, car speakers in Vladivostok. Sending out to the regions of auto parts. Technical assistance
    № 11
  • Germes
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-19:00
    Letting of premises
    № пр-кт Народный 11
  • Shatura-Mebel
    access_time Everyday
    We represent the furniture of the world famous Italian factories and concerns GIMO, ASSIGROUP, ARAN, LATINI, ALF GROUP, CALLIGARIS, IMS, KHAOS, TONIN CASA, ELLESALOTTI, PIGOLI, etc.
    № 11
  • Sportlend
    access_time Mon-Sat, 11:00-19:00; Sun, 11:00-18:00
    3 floor

Learn more

General information

  • Своя парковка


  • Type of shops
    clothes / clothes for expectant mothers / clothes for sports and rest / furniture / goods for pets

Shopping center

  • Shopping centre

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