Iskra, shopping center

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How to get there?
Location map
Location map
Public transport:
Prospekt 100 let Vladivostoka
Buses: 23, 17, 64, 41, 17Т, 98Ц, 60, 82, 4, 85, 81, 1, 17Л, 77


Shopping center

Extended information

  • Militari DV
    access_time Mon-Sun, 10:00-19:00 everyday, no lunch break
    Спецодежда. Спецобувь. Товары для рыбалки и охоты. Берцы. Обувь для рыбалки. Костюмы для рыбалки и охоты. Костюмы для туризма, палатки, спальные мешки, рюкзаки. Туристическая и походная обувь.
  • Cinnabon
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-22:00
    Cafe, the world-famous brand of the most delicious cinnamon rolls, presented in more than 54 countries.
  • Sun Beauty
    access_time Mon-Sat, 10:00-20:30; Sun, 10:00-19:00
    Sun Beauty and Beauty Studio offers you services: solarium, manicure, pedicure, nail polish, nail treatments, nail extensions, narrows, eyebrow correction / staining, make-up service, etc.
    5 floor
  • Sofiya
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-19:00
    Salon Sofia presents a large selection of wedding and evening dresses, according to the latest fashion trends from famous brands.
    4 floor
  • Mesto
    access_time Mon-Fri, 11:00-19:00; Sat-Sun, 10:00-19:00;
    Club of board games. Shop of board games. Thumbnails. Model paints. Benches for different ages and companies, collectible card games, Warhammer model kits and a variety of accessories to them. The game is a mafia.
    3 floor
  • Vostok-Avia
    access_time Mon-Fri, 09:00-19:00; Sat, 10:00-18:00; Sun, 11:00-16:00
    Sale of air tickets
  • ORGANIC boutique
    access_time Everyday, 10:00-22:00
    Internet shop of natural medical cosmetics from India, Thailand, Jordan for face, body and hair with a pronounced curative effect. Official dealer of natural cosmetics Zeytun in Vladivostok. Also on sale are Indian spices, aromapalochki, hygiene products.
    5 floor
  • Art Layf
    access_time Mon-Fri, 10:00-18:00. Sat, Sun, 10:00-16:00
    medical services: bioresonance diagnostics and therapy., Manual therapy, biologically active additives of the firm Art Life
    6 floor,
    № 2 ис
  • Koreal
    access_time Владивосток: everyday, 10:00-19:00 Уссурийск: Tue-Sun, 10:00-19:00; Mon-closed день
    Ltd. Koreal - the official distributor of high-quality home goods produced in South Korea. Household vacuum packers and accessories, vacuum rolls and bags, neck and shoulder massagers, air washes and other high-quality goods from Korea. Warranty, certificates, advertising support.
    4 floor
  • Zefir
    access_time Everyday, 09:00-19:00
    Если ты ещё не почувствовала себя королевой, тогда тебе срочно нужно к нам. Услуги визажиста, коррекция и окрашивание бровей, прически, маникюр
    4 floor

Learn more

General information

  • Своя парковка

Shopping center

  • Restaurants and cafes
  • Shopping centre
    atelier / beauty salons


  • Type of shops
    clothes / women's clothes / footwear / linen, sleepwear, bathing suits / furniture / cell phones / music, video, electronics / jewellery and watch / gifts and flowers / boutique

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